Friday, August 14, 2009

A lesson in who I am

It's funny how we go through our daily lives not thinking about the things we actually do. Where we go. Who we are with. What we do.

I had these two days of conscience/moral checking it seems. They seemed like days that were testing me. Trying to see if I follow through on what I say I believe. I think I surprised myself with the results.

Exhibit A: guy at Best Buy. I could have easily complained about the guy and then just driven away. Instead I decided to do what I thought he should have. I pick up the case he "discarded" and took it home. I placed it in the recycling bin where I strongly feel it belongs. I picked it up from the ground. The dirty contaminated public parking lot ground. My sister seemed proud. Honestly, I was a little surprised. I am the girl who washes her hands a million times a day. I didn't freak out about it. I just did it and didn't really think about the fact that it was a step in the right direction for me. I know any one normal who reads this will think "what's the big deal? So you touched something from the ground." But OCD has had a strong hold on me. I've felt it's hold quite a bit lately. This was a good thing.

Exhibit B: An older woman was walking toward a Ross store. She was carrying a bag with her. It looked as if she were going to return some things. She was carrying the bag upside down though so the receipt fall onto the ground. She didn't even notice. My sister and I were driving by. I pointed it out to my sister who was driving. I felt bad about it. I asked her to stop and I jumped out of the car. I grabbed the receipt from the ground, the dirty filthy public ground and handed it over the woman who was about to go inside the store. She thanked me because she was indeed going to return some things. I just said your welcome and ran back to my sister's car.

These seem like little things to the average person but to me they showed me something. They showed me that I can be considerate. That I can be the person that I want to be, that people think I am. I can be nice. I can right something that I think is a wrong. It's interesting.

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