Monday, November 8, 2010

Nouns and nos

I didn't think about it before but now that you brought it to my attention I can't stop thinking about it. I am really starting to like the idea but I'm afraid it's just the idea that I like and not the noun that goes with it. But the noun is pretty appealing too. When I stop and think about it that is. But there are a lot of verbs and adjectives that aren't so nice that go right along with said noun. I wish I could stop thinking about it because it is seriously driving me crazy. If I try that's a bad idea. If I don't that's generally the way I go. I am curious of how I would be with that noun. Maybe nice? But maybe not? And then there's the other noun that I can't tell if it's referring to me and if so I feel bad. I never asked for this. In fact I'm pretty sure that I have built myself up to be protected from it. What should I do?

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